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Join an ambitious family business.

Job opportunities.

We are looking for talent. Apply for one of our offers and let’s get to know each other.

A word from the human resources team.

You want to get involved in a solid, dynamic and ambitious company that has maintained values in its relationships with its employees and clients? Join us!

TX2 CONCEPT is a family business whose employees share great common values. We firmly believe that kindness creates an environment that favours collaboration, while empathy strengthens bonds within our teams. Listening constitutes the basis of our understanding of individual needs in order to offer personalized support for each employee. By promoting autonomy, we encourage initiative and individual responsibility, thus creating a harmonious balance.


Human Ressources, TX2 CONCEPT
Figures that make us proud

TX2 Concept at a glance.

+ 0
years of expertise
+ 0
of turnover in 2023
0 M€

Values that guide us.

Our secret to success as a team is to find individuals who share the same values and who bring their own expertise.

Customer satisfaction

We put our know-how and experience at the service of our clients to provide them with quality service.

- Anastasia, sales and marketing department


Thanks to the strategy supported by our managers and our R&D team, we are constantly improving the performance of our solutions and ensuring that they comply with regulatory developments.

- Richard, R&D department


We want our employees to be committed and invested in their missions but also in the company to create a collective dynamic.

- Gilles, support department


We are a dynamic and ambitious company that is constantly evolving. Our ambition is also reflected at the HR level: we seek to promote the skills of everyone to enable them to progress within our company.

- Antoine, COO


A good working environment contributes to the well-being of teams. Our objective? Work in conditions that favours success and fulfillment.

- Armelle, HR department

Team spirit

We believe that teamwork is beneficial both on an individual and collective level. This is why each employee is part of a team of experts.

- Clément, projects department

Any question, any question ?

Our team is here to listen to you and will be happy to answer you.